The Adventures of an Accidental Librarian
Passionate about libraries and the immeasurable value they offer
Welcome to my website where I share my love of my profession! For more than 20 years I have worked in school and public libraries, doing most anything you can imagine. It is work that I enjoy immensely and believe to be fundamentally important. Providing access to information and services to help create an informed and educated people. Promoting books and reading, in an effort to create lifelong readers and library users. The foundations of the public library.
In this space I share much about what I do. Where I've done it. And why it is so important to me. Take a look around. Reach out if you like. Try a recommended book. Visit a library. Have you done that lately? The shushing is gone. They have grown into lively places where people come together for a very unique and inclusive sense of community. All are welcome in the public library. My kind of place.
Visit my facebook page if you like. Mostly I talk about books. Ones that I have read. Am reading. Or recommend. And about some of my experiences as a librarian. Lots of good stuff about little ones. A view of a day in the life. It was one of the best choices I've made ever, and forever it will be....